Wise Exchange Rates for Zoho CRM

Automatically update exchange rates for your Zoho CRM currencies using real-time exchange rates from Wise.

Built for: CRM Developed by: Svennis Cloud Solutions

Use the Wise extension for Zoho CRM to automatically update the current exchange rate every day based on real-time exchange rates from Wise.com. You can adjust the Wise exchange rates with a certain percentage using our Web Tab and also update for individual currency exchange rate wherever needed. The Wise extension also gives you a Custom Module named Currencies Updates with details of all the updates made to currency exchange rates along with the user details and the date when the update was made. Access the Comparison Table for Wise's updated exchange reference rates directly from Zoho CRM.

Key Features:

    Tags :

    Deployment type Zoho platform
    Published date Oct 26, 2021
    Version 1.0
    Category Marketing
    Pricing Paid
    Vendor Website

    Compatible Editions

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